Artificial Intelligence has implications across every design discipline. Architecture has nonhuman agency, and will be able to sense and feel.

A series of sensate architectural characters undergo 4 divergent journeys. Their experiences are catalogued and hybridized using AI into a collective visual history.

Who Are We? engages with the process of training and utilizing a GAN to produce novel visuals, but suggests granting the agency of curating a “training set” of images to a collection of non-human agents that behave and catalog based on their own geometric and material proclivities. The resultant visuals represent a plurality of non-human perspectives.

The video is an example of what happens when architecture is able to look back at us.

Exhibited at ACADIA 2022: Hybrids & Haecceities

Design and Interaction: Logan Weaver

Physical artefacts: Logan Weaver, Harsana Siva